Title: Hardin County Youngpreneurs’ Business Fair
Date and Time: April 6, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Location: John Hardin High School, 384 W.A. Jenkins Road, Elizabethtown
Attention, young entrepreneurs! Don’t miss the opportunity to showcase your business skills at the Hardin County Youngpreneurs’ Business Fair. This collaborative effort between two impactful programs aims to provide valuable insights and a platform for budding entrepreneurs.
Event Highlights:
Registration Details:
About the Event: The Youngpreneurs’ Business Fair is an opportunity to showcase your business and learn and grow. Dr. Sakinah Bunch, co-founder and co-coordinator, emphasizes that it’s a time for young entrepreneurs to “vend and showcase their businesses and their wares” to the public.
Awards and Recognition: After the showcase, judges will evaluate businesses based on potential, creativity, and other factors. Awards will be given to standout entrepreneurs.
Workshops by Legacy Foundation: In partnership with Legacy Foundation, the Youngpreneur Business Academy will conduct workshops covering essential topics such as business plans, marketing, sales, and more. To enroll in a workshop, send an email to thelegacyfoundation2020@gmail.com.
Premiere Sponsors: Abound Credit Union and the Radcliff Small Business Alliance are premier sponsors, providing continuous support to make this event possible.
Don’t Miss the Opportunity: Whether you’re a young entrepreneur or a supporter of youth initiatives, mark your calendars for April 6. This event promises not only a vibrant showcase of young talent but also an educational experience that goes beyond the fairgrounds.
For more information and to register, visit childrensbusinessfair.org/hardincounty-ky. Join us for a day of innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurial spirit!