Instructions On How To Help.
A Message from John Wright, Hardin County Schools.
At this time, we are doing a great job feeding our students that need food. As you know, we started preparing food for the elderly and delivering to them. We have served/delivered 1400 meals in the past three weeks to the elderly. We are having to make some modifications as we move forward. We were paying for that food through community donations and those elderly folks who would pay for their own meals. Federal law says that we cannot give free meals to anyone older than 18.
Here are two ways you can help:
- Make a donation for meals for the elderly. We are taking donations below. Click the donate button to go to the donations page, fill in the dollar amount, give the appropriate information and then in the “acknowledgment’ section, type “name/elderly meals” or just type “elderly meals” if you want to give anonymously.
- Provide consistency in picking up meals at a school site and delivering to elderly homes. New Highland Elementary School (110 WA Jenkins Road, Elizabethtown) will be our elderly meal pickup site after spring break. If there are people willing to help, please provide us with a list of those individuals and we will divide the number of meals between these folks. We will continue to utilize our staff as well.
If we receive enough donations, we will continue this much-needed service.
We truly appreciate your support. John Wright Hardin County Schools